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Lunch & Nutrition

Lunch Program Supervisors Required at Lynnwood School

- Work from 11:30 am to 12:45 pm (school days only)

- $17.00 per day to start

- If you love children and you think you might be interested, please contact the school office for more details!

Lunch Program

We believe it is beneficial for students to go home for lunch to have a break from the school routine.  We appreciate this is not always possible and therefore we offer a lunch hour service that is paid for by students using the program. Students supply their own lunches and the school hires lunchroom supervisors to supervise the children staying for lunch.

Students will eat lunch in their classroom with a lunchroom supervisor. They are provided with time to eat their lunch and clean up their eating area. All students will then go outside and are expected to remain on the school grounds.

Students who stay for lunch will be charged a lunchroom fee to cover the cost of the lunchroom supervisors, equipment and materials. The monthly lunchroom program cost is $15.00/student. Students who stay occasionally are charged $2.00 per day. The office will provide lunchroom fee information at the start of the year or when you register.


Club Moo

Club Moo is a milk promotion program, run by our school office, that encourages children to develop the lifelong habit of drinking milk.  Students buy a Club Moo card which is punched each lunch hour when they come to get milk. Students can purchase 237 ml cartons of white or chocolate milk for $1.00 each, or purchase a milk card for $10.00 or $20.00 which will get them 10 or 20 cartons of milk.


Hot Lunches

Our school council organizes special hot lunches for students approximately 6-8 times throughout the year. Order forms will be posted to SchoolZone prior to each hot lunch providing details of the lunch that is planned. Parents need to submit the order form with payment by the deadline dates. Parents are invited to help count the orders and distribute the lunches on hot lunch day. Contact the school office if you are able to help.


Healthy Eating

In the interest of promoting good nutrition and dental health habits, we encourage you to supply your child with nutritious lunches and snacks. Pop, candy, chocolate bars, gum and similar items are not healthy, contribute to littering, and should not be sent to school with your child.

It is not necessary to send treats to school on your child’s birthday — the teachers will acknowledge the day in some way and the principal meets with every student as well. If you would like to send something in, please make the effort to provide a healthier treat for our students (or treats that are not edible), and consider smaller portions.