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Lynnwood School values the contributions of our parent group and parent volunteers. Together we work to promote the well-being and effectiveness of our programs to ensure students receive the best possible education. Parents, family members, friends, and neighbours are all encouraged to volunteer at school.

If you can spare even a half-hour a week, or a day once a month – let us know what your interests are. A variety of opportunities to become involved are available. Requests for volunteers are shared in school and classroom newsletters as needs arise. Regular assistance in the library is greatly appreciated. Whether at school or at home, any time given to support students in their learning experiences is valuable. Volunteering in our school is one way for parents to show their children that they value their education.

Please talk to your child’s teacher or the school office if you would like to volunteer. Volunteers are required to fill out a form and sign in at the office anytime they are in the school.