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Child Care

We have a number of daycare providers that provide childcare to Lynnwood students.

Oxford Child and Development Centre is located in our school building. They also have a few other locations and will transport students to Lynnwood School. Their central contact number is 780-487-6946. Their phone number at Lynnwood School is 780-487-9811.

The following daycares will transport students to/from Lynnwood School to their offsite locations:

  • Jasper Plaza Daycare, 10034-167 Street, 780-484-1112
  • Lynnwood Daycare & OSC, 8708-150 Street, 780-758-8581
  • Kidswise Daycare & OSC, 15108-76 Avenue, 587-599-9185


Please note that these childcare facilities are private businesses and are not monitored or endorsed by Lynnwood School.